Physician Volunteers

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew
Since we began receiving referrals for patients in July 1999, We Care of Central Florida has been the only Specialty Referral Provider Network in Polk County providing specialty healthcare to individuals who have no health insurance of any kind (including Medicaid, or Medicare), these patients also have incomes at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Many of these individuals are the working poor and do not qualify for State or County programs, they are not offered health insurance, or cannot afford the premiums through the Affordable Care Act.
We Care maintains a unique role in the safety-net system of indigent care and does not duplicate or replicate any free clinic in the community. Rather, each free clinic throughout Polk County relies upon We Care’s network of volunteer physicians to access the specialty care needed for effectively managing their Primary Care patients, many of whom suffer from chronic health conditions.
Each year, more than 120 outstanding volunteers from the Polk County medical community have stepped forward to donate much-needed, life-saving care. We continually strive to increase the number of volunteer health care providers, the geographic span of service locations, and the array of specialty services available. Only the number of volunteer medical professionals and their willingness to offer these critically needed services limits our service capacity.
Will you consider joining our team of caring physicians who are providing care to the less fortunate in Polk County? We are currently in DESPERATE need of:
Specialty Healthcare Providers to see 1-2 patients/mth OR on a case-by-case basis in their offices.
- Provider determines how many patients, and which cases they will see.
- We Care can cover the costs of diagnostics/labs/procedures/medications/DME as needed.
- All patients referred have established primary care providers.
Benefits include:
- Waiver of the biennial license renewal fee for volunteering Physician, PA or ARNP
- Fulfillment of 25% of the continuing education hours required for license
- Sovereign Immunity-Under the Florida “Access to Health Care Act” licensed health care providers who volunteer their medical expertise to care for the needy and uninsured are extended liability protection through state-sponsored sovereign immunity.
If you’d like to get the process started, Click Here to View the ‘Individual Contract Application VHCPP’
Interested in additional information about joining the We Care team? Fill out the contact form below and we will reach out through your preferred method of contact to answer any questions.